“Sab Maaya Hai” is an Urdu nazm written by the Pakistani poet Ibn-e-Insha (1927-1978). In it, the poet describes his disillusionment from the world, declaring love and loyalty to be false pretenses.
Tag: nazm
Ashkon Ke Le Ke Dhaare: In a Torrent of Tears
“Ashkon Ke Le Ke Dhaare” is an Urdu nazm written by the Pakistani poet Ishrat Godharvi and sung by the folk singer Shahid Ali Khan. Although he is not a household name, Godharvi is a prolific contemporary poet.
Gorakh Dhanda: The Puzzling Nature of God
“Tum Ik Gorakh Dhanda Ho” is a philosophically and spiritually rich poem that was written by Naz Khialvi (1947-2010), a Pakistani poet and radio broadcaster. It explores theological debates and paradoxes, such as the problem of evil, free will versus determinism, the validity of different religions, and selective divine intervention.