About the Poems
Author | Ambar Shah Warsi |
Time Period | 20th century CE |
Languages | Urdu; Arabic |
Type | na’at |
Meter | kaamil musamman saalim – – = – = / – – = – = / – – = – = / – – = – = |
Author | Saadi Shirazi |
Time Period | 13th century CE |
Language | Arabic |
Type | na’at |
Meter | kaamil musamman saalim – – = – = / – – = – = / – – = – = / – – = – = |
Author | Muzaffar Ali Shah |
Time Period | 19th century CE |
Languages | Farsi; Arabic |
Type | na’at |
Meter | rajaz musamman saalim = = – = / = = – = / = = – = / = = – = |
Author | Fard Phulwarwi |
Time Period | 19th century CE |
Languages | Farsi; Arabic |
Type | na’at |
Meter | kaamil musamman saalim – – = – = / – – = – = / – – = – = / – – = – = |
“Balagh-al-’Ula Bi-Kamaalihi” is a popular qawwali most famously performed by the late Sabri Brothers, Ghulam Farid Sabri (1930-1994) and Maqbool Ahmed Sabri (1945-2011), from Pakistan. It is a multilingual na’at (a praise of the prophet Muhammad) that amalgamates poetry from across time periods and geographies, with at least four authors.
The entire qawwali centers around a well-known Arabic na’at written by the famous Persian poet Saadi Shirazi (1210-1292) in the opening of his Gulistan (The Rose Garden). That poem is:
بَلَغَ الْعُلیٰ بِكَمالِهٖ
كَشَفَ الْدُّجىٰ بِجَمالِهٖ
حَسُنَتْ جَميعُ خِصالِهٖ
صَلّوا عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهٖ
balagh-al-’ula bi-kamaalihi
kashaf-ad-duja bi-jamaalihi
hasunat jamee’u khisaalihi
salloo ’alaihi wa aalihi
He reached the highest place through his perfection!
He cast out the darkness through his beauty!
Beautified were all his characteristics!
Send blessings upon him and his family!
While Saadi lived in southern Persia, he references the Indian subcontinent in some of his works, and he may have even traveled there. Regardless, his work had a profound influence on South Asian poets who wrote in Persian and Urdu.
Two examples of South Asian poets influenced by Saadi are Fard Phulwarwi (1777-1848) and Ambar Shah Warsi (1906-1993). Both were Sufi masters. While Phulwarwi lived in Bihar, Warsi was born in Ajmer and moved to Pakistan during his lifetime. Each of them wrote a na’at that employs Saadi’s “Balagh-al-’Ula Bi-Kamaalihi” as a tazmeen, or insertion, within their own poem. These poems are part of the Sabri Brothers’ qawwali. Warsi’s na’at, which is in Urdu, comprises the majority of the qawwali, while Phulwarwi’s, which is in Farsi, appears near the end. In the translation, I have designated which parts of the poem were written by which author. In some cases, it was not clear who the author is, though most of the unknown Urdu parts are probably by Warsi. A bilingual Farsi and Arabic na’at by Indian poet Muzaffar Ali Shah (1813-1882) is also included in the qawwali.
Thematically, the qawwali “Balagh-al-’Ula Bi-Kamaalihi” focuses on the story of the me’raaj (ascension), an event during the prophet Muhammad’s lifetime in which he is believed to have ascended to heaven on a winged steed named Buraq. During the me’raaj, Muhammad tours the seven heavens, meets all of the other prophets like Abraham, Moses, and Jesus who preceded him, and speaks directly with God at the Placeless Origin, which is beyond the seventh heaven and contains the Throne of God. The entire trip is said to have occurred in one night and outside the realm of spacetime, as Muhammad’s bed is still warm when he returns. According to some scholars of literature, this story partially inspired the Italian poet Dante’s epic poem, The Divine Comedy.
In the Urdu verses of “Balagh-al-’Ula Bi-Kamaalihi”, it is clear how this monumental encounter between God and Muhammad is metaphorically framed as the union of two lovers meeting face-to-face. For example, God summons Muhammad because “He longed to see him.” Overall, this qawwali illustrates the Sufi themes of separation and union, as separation from God is seen as a burden of earthly existence, whereas the ultimate goal is spiritual union with the divine.
Featured Rendition
Text, Transliteration, and Translation
Farsi (Unknown)
اے ختمِ رسل کعبۂ مقصود تویی
ai khatm-e rusul ka’aba-e maqsood tuyi
O Last of the Prophets, you are the Kaaba that we seek.
در صورتِ ہر چہ ہست موجود تویی
dar soorat-e har che hast maujood tuyi
Within the form of everything that exists, you are present.
آیاتِ کمالِ حق عیان است بتو
aayaat-e kamaal-e-haqq ‘ayaan ast ba-to
The signs of the perfection of Truth [God] are made clear in you.
آں ذات کہ در پردہ نہان بود تویی
aaN zaat ke dar parda nihaan bood tuyi
That essence which was hidden behind the veil was you.
Urdu (Unknown)
سہانی رات تھی اور پر سکوں زمانہ تھا
suhaani raat tHi aur pur-sukooN zamaana tHa
It was a beautiful night, and the time was full of tranquility.
اثر میں ڈوبا ہوا جذبِ عاشقانہ تھا
asar meN Dooba hua jazb-e aashiqaana tHa
The attraction of love was fully in effect!
اُنہیں تو عرش پہ محبوب کو بلانا تھا
unheN to ‘arsh pe mehboob ko bulaana tHa
He [God] had to call His beloved to the Heavenly Throne.
ہوس تھی دید کی معراج کا بہانہ تھا
havas tHi deed ki me’raaj ka bahaana tHa
He longed to see him – the ‘ascension’ was just an excuse!
Urdu (Ambar Warsi)
سرِ لا مکاں سے طلب ہوئی
sar-e la-makaaN se talab hui
A command came from the Placeless Origin;
سوئے منتہیٰ وہ چلے نبی
soo-e muntaha vo chale nabi
Towards the final boundary [of the universe], the prophet went!
Urdu (Unknown)
یہ کمالِ حسن کا معجزہ
ye kamaal-e husn ka mu’ajza
This is the miracle of the perfection of beauty:
کہ فراق حق بھی نہ سہ سکا
ke firaaq haqq bHi na seh saka
That even Truth [God] could not bear separation!
شبِ معراج لیا عرشِ بریں پر بلوائے
shab-e me’raaj liya arsh-e bareeN par bulvaa’e
On the night of ascension, He called Muhammad to the Sublime Throne.
صدمۂ حجر خدا سے بھی گوارہ نہ ہوا
sadma-e hijr khuda se bHi gavaara na hua
The pain of separation was intolerable even for God!
Urdu (Ambar Warsi)
سرِ لا مکاں سے طلب ہوئی
sar-e la-makaaN se talab hui
A command came from the Placeless Origin;
سوئے منتہیٰ وہ چلے نبی
soo-e muntaha vo chale nabi
Towards the final boundary [of the universe], the prophet went!
کوئی حد ہے اُن کے عروج کی
koi hadd hai un ke ‘urooj ki
Is there any limit to his ascent?
بَلَغَ الْعُلیٰ بِكَمالِهٖ
balagh-al-’ula bi-kamaalihi
“He reached the highest place through his perfection!”
Arabic and Farsi (Muzaffar Ali Shah)
خیر الوریٰ صدر التُقیٰ نجم الهُدیٰ نور العُلیٰ
khair-ul-wara sadr-ut-tuqa najm-ul-huda noor-ul-’ula
Best of creation, heart of piety, star of guidance, light of the highest place,
شمس الضُحىٰ بدر الدُجیٰ یعني محمد مصطفیٰ
shams-ud-duha badr-ud-duja ya’ani muhammad mustafa
Sun of the morning, moon of the night – as in, Muhammad Mustafa!
آں کارواں سالارِ دیں واں رحمة للعالمین
aaN kaarwaaN saalaar-e deeN waaN rehmat-al-lil-’aalameen
He is the head of the caravan of faith and a mercy for the worlds!
آں مقتدائے مرسلیں واں پیشوائے انبیا
aaN muqtada-e mursaleen waaN peshwa-e ambiya
He is the leader of the messengers and premier of the prophets!
جنّت نشانِ کوئے تو والشّمس ایماں روئے تو
jannat nishaan-e koo-e to wash-shams eemaaN roo-e to
The location of your street is heaven, and Surah Ash-Shams [means] your face is faith itself!
واللّیل وصفِ روئے تو خوبیِ رویت والضحیٰ
wal-lail wasf-e roo-e to khoobi-e rooyat wad-duha
Surah Al-Layl is a description of your face, and Surah Ad-Duha is the beauty of your face!
اسمِ تو اسمِ اعظمی جسمِ تو جانِ عالمی
ism-e to ism-e a’azami jism-e to jaan-e ‘aalami
Your name is the greatest name; your form is the spirit of the cosmos!
ذاتِ تو فخرِ آدمی شانِ تو شانِ کبریا
zaat-e to fakhr-e aadmi shaan-e to shaan-e kibriya
Your rank is the pride of mankind; your glory is the glory of the Almighty!
Urdu (Ambar Warsi)
کوئی حد ہے اُن کے عروج کی
koi hadd hai un ke ‘urooj ki
Is there any limit to his ascent?
Urdu (Unknown)
جو گیا ہے فرش سے عرش تک
jo gaya hai farsh se ‘arsh tak
He who went from the ground to God’s Throne,
وہ براق لے گیا بےدھڑک
vo buraaq le gaya be-dHaRak
He fearlessly rode upwards on Buraq!
طبقِ زمیں ورقِ فلک
tabaq-e zameeN waraq-e falak
From the surface of the earth to the layers of heaven!
گئے نیچے پاؤں سے پل سڑک
ga’e neeche paa’ooN se pul saRak
Streets and bridges passed by under his feet!
لٹیں زلف کی جو گئیں لٹک
laTeN zulf ki jo ga’eeN laTak
As the locks of his hair dangled,
تو جہان سارا گیا مہک
to jahaan saara gaya mehek
The entire world became fragrant!
ہوئیں مست بلبلیں اس قدر
hu’eeN mast bulbuleN is qadar
The nightingales were intoxicated to such an extent
تو یہ غنچے بولے چٹک چٹک
to ye ghunche bole chaTak chaTak
That the rosebuds burst open and bloomed!
Urdu (Ambar Warsi)
کوئی حد ہے اُن کے عروج کی
koi hadd hai un ke ‘urooj ki
Is there any limit to his ascent?
Urdu (Unknown)
گئے گھر سے چڑھ کے براق پر
ga’e gHar se chaRH ke buraaq par
He left his home having mounted Buraq.
شبِ وصل رخ سے ہوئی سحر
shab-e vasl rukh se hui seher
On that night of union, his face brought about dawn!
یہ سفر تھا خوب کا خوبتر
ye safar tHa khoob ka khoob-tar
This journey was better than the best;
یہی تھا ہر ایک کی زبان پر
yahi tHa har ek ki zubaan par
This is what was on everyone’s tongues!
Urdu (Ambar Warsi)
کوئی حد ہے اُن کے عروج کی
koi hadd hai un ke ‘urooj ki
Is there any limit to his ascent?
بَلَغَ الْعُلیٰ بِكَمالِهٖ
balagh-al-’ula bi-kamaalihi
“He reached the highest place through his perfection!”
یہی ابتدا یہی انتہا
yahi ibtida yahi intiha
This is the beginning, and this is the end.
یہ فروغِ جلوۂ حق نما
ye farogh-e jalwa-e haqq-numa
Such is the brightness of the manifestation of the truth-revealer,
کہ جہان سارا چمک اٹھا
ke jahaan saara chamak uTHa
That the entire world shone in splendor!
كَشَفَ الْدُّجىٰ بِجَمالِهٖ
kashaf-ad-duja bi-jamaalihi
“He cast out the darkness through his beauty!”
رخِ مصطفیٰ کی یہ روشنی
rukh-e mustafa ki ye raushni
Such is the illumination of Mustafa’s face,
یہ تجلّیوں کی ہماہمی
ye tajalliyoN ki hamaahami
Such is the boastfulness of divine manifestations,
کہ ہر ایک چیز چمک اٹھی
ke har ek cheez chamak uTHi
That every single thing shone in splendor!
كَشَفَ الْدُّجىٰ بِجَمالِهٖ
kashaf-ad-duja bi-jamaalihi
“He cast out the darkness through his beauty!”
Urdu (Unknown)
نہ فلک نہ چاند تارے نہ سحر نہ رات ہوتی
na falak na chaand taare na seher na raat hoti
Neither sky nor moon, nor stars, nor daybreak, nor night would have existed.
نہ تیرا جمال ہوتا نہ یہ کائنات ہوتی
na tera jamaal hota na ye kaa’inaat hoti
If not for your beauty, this universe would not have existed!
Urdu (Ambar Warsi)
کہ ہر ایک چیز چمک اٹھی
ke har ek cheez chamak uTHi
Such that every single thing shone in splendor!
كَشَفَ الْدُّجىٰ بِجَمالِهٖ
kashaf-ad-duja bi-jamaalihi
“He cast out the darkness through his beauty!”
وہ سراپا رحمتِ کبریا
vo saraapa rehmat-e kibriya
That incarnation of the Almighty’s mercy,
کہ ہر اک پہ جس کا کرم ہوا
ke har ik pe jis ka karam hua
He whose generosity reached everyone!
یہ قرآنِ پاک ہے برملا
ye quraan-e paak hai barmaala
He [Muhammad] is the embodied Qur’an for all to see.
حَسُنَتْ جَميعُ خِصالِهٖ
hasunat jamee’u khisaalihi
“Beautified were all his characteristics!”
یہ کمالِ حقِ محمدی
ye kamaal-e haqq-e Muhammadi
Such is the perfection of Muhammad’s reality,
کہ ہر اک پہ چشمِ کرم رہی
ke har ik pe chashm-e karam rahi
That his eye of mercy remains on everyone!
سرِ حشر نعرۂ اُمّتی
sar-e hashar na’ara-e ummati
On Judgment Day, he will cry out, “My nation!”
حَسُنَتْ جَميعُ خِصالِهٖ
hasunat jamee’u khisaalihi
“Beautified were all his characteristics!”
وہی حق نگر وہی حق نما
vuhi haqq-nigar vuhi haqq-numa
It alone is the truth-seer and truth-revealer;
رخِ مصطفیٰ ہے وہ آئینہ
rukh-e Mustafa hai vo aa’eena
The face of Mustafa is that mirror!
کہ خدا ئے پاک نے خود کہا
ke khuda-e paak ne khud kaha
Such that Holy God Himself said,
صَلّوا عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهٖ
salloo ‘alaihi wa aalihi
“Send blessings upon him and his family!”
مرا دین عنبرِؔ وارثی
mira deen ambar-e vaarsi
O Ambar Warsi, my faith
بخدا ہے عشقِ محمدی
ba-khuda hai ‘ishq-e muhammadi
By God, is love for Muhammad!
مرا ذکر و فکر ہے بس یہی
mira zikr-o fikr hai bas yahi
My only utterance and thought is,
صَلّوا عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهٖ
salloo ‘alaihi wa aalihi
“Send blessings upon him and his family!”
Farsi and Arabic (Fard Phulwarwi)
چہ کنم بیانِ کمالِ او
che kunam bayaan-e kamaal-e oo
What can I say about his perfection?
بَلَغَ الْعُلیٰ بِكَمالِهٖ
balagh-al-’ula bi-kamaalihi
“He reached the highest place through his perfection!”
چہ فروغ کردہ جمالِ او
che farogh karda jamaal-e oo
What brightness his beauty has created!
كَشَفَ الْدُّجىٰ بِجَمالِهٖ
kashaf-ad-duja bi-jamaalihi
“He cast out the darkness through his beauty!”
من حیرتم زخصالِ او
man hairatam zi-khisaal-e oo
I am amazed by his characteristics!
حَسُنَتْ جَميعُ خِصالِهٖ
hasunat jamee’u khisaalihi
“Beautified were all his characteristics!”
دل و جانِ ما باخیالِ او
dil-o jaan-e ma ba-khayaal-e oo
My heart and life are occupied by thoughts of him!
صَلّوا عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهٖ
salloo ‘alaihi wa aalihi
“Send blessings upon him and his family!”
Urdu and Arabic (Ambar Warsi)
اے مظہرِ نورِ خدا
ai mazhar-e noor-e khuda
O manifestation of the divine light of God!
بَلَغَ الْعُلیٰ بِكَمالِهٖ
balagh-al-’ula bi-kamaalihi
“He reached the highest place through his perfection!”
مولا علی مشکل کشا
maula ‘ali muskhil-kusha
Master Ali, the resolver of troubles!
كَشَفَ الْدُّجىٰ بِجَمالِهٖ
kashaf-ad-duja bi-jamaalihi
“He cast out the darkness through his beauty!”
حسنین جانِ فاطمہ
hasnain jaan-e faatima
Hasan and Husain, the two dearest of Fatima!
حَسُنَتْ جَميعُ خِصالِهٖ
hasunat jamee’u khisaalihi
“Beautified were all his characteristics!”
یعنی محمد مصطفیٰ
ya’ani Muhammad Mustafa
Meaning, Muhammad Mustafa!
صَلّوا عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهٖ
salloo ‘alaihi wa aalihi
“Send blessings upon him and his family!”
Further Reading and References
- Gulistan by Saadi Shirazi. You can find this poem on page 16 of 439. [link]
- Bekhrad, Joobin. “A 13th-Century Persian Poet’s Lessons for Today.” BBC. 24 June 2020. This article explains the great poet Saadi’s life and worldview. [link]
- “Mi’raj.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 3 June 2020. This encyclopedia entry has more basic information about the me’raaj story. [link]
- On Sufinama, you can read the poem by Ambar Shah Warsi. [link]
- On Sufinama, you can read the poem by Fard Phulwarwi. [link]
- Read more about the life of Fard Phulwarwi, a prominent Indian Sufi mystic who lived in Bihar, India on the website of Khanquah Mujeebia. [link]
- On Sufinama, you can read the poem by Muzaffar Ali Shah. [link]
- Athar, Shahid. “Human Longing for Spirituality.” Sufism: An Inquiry. 24 March 2001. This article explains the Sufi concepts of divine love and longing for union. [link]
- Dante and Islam (2015) by Jan M. Ziolkowsky. This book is a deep dive into the connection between the me’raaj story and Dante’s works. [link]
Further Listening
- Live performance by the Sabri Brothers at the SAARC Festival in New Delhi, India in 1992 [link]
- Amjad Sabri (son of Ghulam Farid Sabri) version [link]
- Abida Parveen version on season 11 of Coke Studio in 2018 [link]
- Fareed Ayaz & Abu Muhammad version from 2014, with an exquisite opening [link]
- Aziz Mian version, with different poems intertwined in between [link]
- Aamir Liaquat version from 2012 [link]
Suggested Citation
Shad, Hamza. “Balaghal ‘Ula Bikamaalihi: In Praise of the Prophet”. The Khusrau Circle. 18 February 2023. khusrau.com/balaghal-ula-bikamaalihi/.