Noor-Un ‘Ala Noor: Light Upon Light

About the Song

ArtistMurtuza Khan, Qadir Khan
AlbumMeenaxi: A Tale of Three Cities
Year2004 CE
LyricistM.F. Hussain


“Noor-Un ‘Ala Noor” is a poetic Sufi song about divine light and union from the 2004 Bollywood movie Meenaxi: A Tale of Three Cities. Renowned Indian painter M.F. Hussain (1915-2011 CE) penned the lyrics of this song, and he also wrote and directed the film. Composed by A.R. Rahman, “Noor-Un ‘Ala Noor” was sung by Murtuza Khan and Qadir Khan.

The film centers around a novelist named Nawab who is captivated by the beautiful Meenaxi, played by Tabu. Nawab takes her as his muse and envisions her with different personas in the three cities mentioned in the movie’s title: Hyderabad, Jaisalmer, and Prague. In the music video of “Noor-Un ‘Ala Noor”, Meenaxi symbolizes the divine light (noor), as Nawab is mesmerized and inspired by her yet unable to reach her. Similarly, spiritual seekers are captivated by the divine but unable to fully comprehend it.

The recurring refrain “Noor-Un ‘Ala Noor” means “Light Upon Light” and is a quote from the Qur’an, particularly from a passage called the Light Verse (24:35). The verse, as shown below, metaphorically speaks of God as the light of the heavens and the earth. One of the 99 names of God in Islamic tradition is also “Al-Noor”, meaning “The Light”. The Light Verse has sparked thought and served as inspiration for countless Islamic thinkers and mystics over the centuries due to its powerful imagery.

اَللّٰهُ نُوۡرُ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالۡاَرۡضِ​ مَثَلُ نُوۡرِهٖ كَمِشۡكٰوةٍ فِيۡهَا مِصۡبَاحٌ​
الۡمِصۡبَاحُ فِىۡ زُجَاجَةٍ​ اَلزُّجَاجَةُ كَاَنَّهَا كَوۡكَبٌ دُرِّىٌّ يُّوۡقَدُ مِنۡ شَجَرَةٍ مُّبٰـرَكَةٍ
زَيۡتُوۡنَةٍ لَّا شَرۡقِيَّةٍ وَّلَا غَرۡبِيَّةٍ يَّـكَادُ زَيۡتُهَا يُضِىۡٓءُ وَلَوۡ لَمۡ تَمۡسَسۡهُ نَارٌ​
نُوۡرٌ عَلٰى نُوۡرٍ​ يَهۡدِى اللّٰهُ لِنُوۡرِهٖ مَنۡ يَّشَآءُ​
وَ يَضۡرِبُ اللّٰهُ الۡاَمۡثَالَ لِلنَّاسِ​ وَاللّٰهُ بِكُلِّ شَىۡءٍ عَلِيۡمٌ ۝

Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. His light is like a niche in which there is a lamp,
the lamp is in a crystal, the crystal is like a shining star, lit from (the oil of) a blessed olive tree,
(located) neither to the east nor the west, whose oil would almost glow,
even without being touched by fire. Light upon light! Allah guides whoever He wills to His light.
And Allah sets forth parables for humanity. For Allah has (perfect) knowledge of all things.

Qur’an 24:35
Translated by Dr. Mustafa Khattab

In traditional Islamic theology, God being “The Light” is understood metaphorically to mean that God serves as the guide who calls us to His path of truth and virtue. In the context of the verse above, He sits in the “lamps” of our hearts and illuminates them. Light is also highly regarded because it is considered a pure, ethereal, and intangible substance that provides both warmth and clarity of vision. We find similar beliefs in other faiths: the significance of light is also reflected in the Bible, as God proclaims “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3) on the first day of creation.

According to some mystical interpretations of Islam, “light” is synonymous with God’s being. The entire universe and everything within it are simply lesser emanations of God’s being, or His light, rather than independent beings made out of a different substance. God’s light is present and visible in everything, both animate and inanimate. In other words, we are all dimmer lights radiating out of the central, true Light.  

In “Noor-Un ‘Ala Noor”, Hussain captures the essence of an omnipresent, infinite light that guides the seeker, both in the physical and spiritual realms. The light reaches every direction the seeker turns, as he exclaims, “You are here, and You are also there!” Divine proximity is reinforced by the imagery of light cutting through darkness, which symbolizes spiritual awakening and the removal of ignorance. 

The quest for God in the song is a journey of self-discovery and surrender. The seeker asks existential questions to different aspects of nature, only to discover that all the answers lie in all directions, in all of creation. Realizing that we are all emanations of the same divine light as God Himself allows the seeker to shed his individual identity and achieve union. Through this synthesis of divine light, love, and spiritual yearning, “Noor-Un ‘Ala Noor” encapsulates a key theme of Sufi thought: the divine is both a guiding force that calls the lover toward union and a universal presence that has always been there.

Featured Rendition

Music video from the film Meenaxi (2004)

Text, Transliteration, and Translation

چاروں طرف

चारों तरफ़
chaaroN taraf
In all four directions!

نُورٌ عَلىٰ نُورٌ عَلىٰ نُورٌ عَلىٰ نُور

नूरुन अला नूरुन अला नूरुन अला नूर
noor-un ‘ala noor-un ‘ala noor-un ‘ala noor
“Light upon Light, upon Light, upon Light!”

یہ برقِ تجلّی اندھیروں کو چیرتی

यह बर्क़-ए-तजल्ली अंधेरों को चीरती
ye barq-e tajalli andHeroN ko cheerti
The bolt of Your splendor tears through darkness.

یہاں بھی تو وہاں بھی تو

यहां भी तू वहां भी तू
yahaaN bHi tu vahaaN bHi tu
You are here, and You are also there!

یہ روشنی کیا روشنی

यह रौशनी क्या रौशनी
ye raushni kya raushni
This light, what a light it is!

تیرے سوا کوئی ہے کہ پوچھوں

तेरे सिवा कोई है कि पूछूं
tere siva koi hai ke poochHooN
Besides You, is there anyone who I can ask?

اندھیروں سے پوچھا تو چپ ہو گئے

अंधेरों से पूछा तो चुप हो गए
andHeroN se poochHa to chup ho ga’e
I asked darkness, but it became silent.

اجالوں سے پوچھا تو شرما گئے

उजालों से पूछा तो शर्मा गए
ujaaloN se poochHa to sharma ga’e
I asked light, but it became shy.

پرندوں سے پوچھا کہاں پرواز ہے

परिंदों से पूछा कहां परवाज़ है
parindoN se poochHa kahaaN parvaaz hai
I asked birds: where do you fly to?

خاموشی سے پوچھا کہاں آواز ہے

ख़ामोशी से पूछा कहां आवाज़ है
khaamoshi se poochHa kahaaN aavaaz hai
I asked silence: where does sound exist?

پھولوں سے پتّوں سے

फूलों से पत्तों से
pHooloN se pattoN se
From flowers, from leaves,

رنگوں سے آئی صدا

रंगों से आई सदा
rangoN se aa’i sada
And from colors, a voice called:

چاروں طرف

चारों तरफ़
chaaroN taraf
In all four directions!

نُورٌ عَلىٰ نُورٌ عَلىٰ نُورٌ عَلىٰ نُور

नूरुन अला नूरुन अला नूरुन अला नूर
noor-un ‘ala noor-un ‘ala noor-un ‘ala noor
“Light upon Light, upon Light, upon Light!”

یہ برقِ تجلّی اندھیروں کو چیرتی

यह बर्क़-ए-तजल्ली अंधेरों को चीरती
ye barq-e tajalli andHeroN ko cheerti
The bolt of Your splendor tears through darkness.

یہاں بھی تو وہاں بھی تو

यहां भी तू वहां भी तू
yahaaN bHi tu vahaaN bHi tu
You are here, and You are also there!

یہ روشنی کیا روشنی

यह रौशनी क्या रौशनी
ye raushni kya raushni
This light, what a light it is!

اٹھائی چھلمن تو دیکھا جلوہ تیرا

उठाई चिलमन तो देखा जलवा तेरा
uTHaa’i chilman to dekHa jalva tera
When I lifted the curtains, I saw Your splendor.

بڑھایا قدم تو منزل تیری

बढ़ाया क़दम तो मंज़िल तेरी
baRHaaya qadam to manzil teri
When I took a step forward, [I saw] Your abode.

اٹھائی نظر تو صورت تیری

उठाई नज़र तो सूरत तेरी
uTHaa’i nazar to soorat teri
When I raised my gaze, [I saw] Your face.

بھنورے کی گنگن میں

भंवरे की गुनगुन में
bHaNvare ki gun-gun meN
In the buzzing of the bee,

کنگن کی کھن کھن میں

कंगन की खन खन में
kangan ki kHan-kHan meN
In the clinking of bangles,

عاشق کے تن من میں

आशिक़ के तन मन में
‘aashiq ke tan man meN
In the bodies and souls of lovers,

برہن کے نینن میں

बिरहन के नैनन में
birhan ke nainan meN
In the eyes of the abandoned woman,

تانوں میں سرگم میں

तानों में सरगम में
taanoN meN sargam meN
In melodies, in musical scales,

بس تُو ہے تُو ہی تُو

बस तू है तू ही तू
bas tu hai tu hi tu
Only You reside: You and only You!

نُورٌ عَلىٰ نُورٌ عَلىٰ نُورٌ عَلىٰ نُور

नूरुन अला नूरुन अला नूरुन अला नूर
noor-un ‘ala noor-un ‘ala noor-un ‘ala noor
“Light upon Light, upon Light, upon Light!”

دل کی دیوانگی من کی آوارگی تُو

दिल की दीवानगी मन की आवारगी तू
dil ki deewaanagi man ki aavaaragi tu
You are the madness and wandering of my heart.

دور لے کے چل تُو کچھ پوچھ نہ تُو

दूर ले के चल दूँ कुछ पूछ ले तू
door le ke chal tu kuchH poochH na tu
Take me far away, without asking anything.

زندگی ایک راز تھی ایک راز ہے

ज़िंदगी एक राज़ थी एक राज़ है
zindagi ek raaz tHi ek raaz hai
Life was a mystery, and it remains a mystery.

جان کر ہو گا کیا کس نے ہے جانا

जान कर होगा क्या किसने है जाना
jaan kar ho ga kya kis ne hai jaana
What happens if we understand it? Who knows?

کوئی کہے محبّت کوئی عبادت

कोई कहे मोहब्बत कोई इबादत
koi kahe muhabbat koi ‘ibaadat
Some call it love, others call it worship.

دیوانگی کہیں چاہے جنوں

दीवानगी कहें चाहे जुनूं
deewaanagi kaheN chaahe junooN
Some call it madness, others call it passion.

چاہت ہی تیری ادا

चाहत ही तेरी अदा
chaahat hi teri ada
Desire itself is Your charm!

نُورٌ عَلىٰ نُورٌ عَلىٰ نُورٌ عَلىٰ نُور

नूरुन अला नूरुन अला नूरुन अला नूर
noor-un ‘ala noor-un ‘ala noor-un ‘ala noor
“Light upon Light, upon Light, upon Light!”

یہ برقِ تجلّی اندھیروں کو چیرتی

यह बर्क़-ए-तजल्ली अंधेरों को चीरती
ye barq-e tajalli andHeroN ko cheerti
The bolt of Your splendor tears through darkness.

یہاں بھی تو وہاں بھی تو

यहां भी तू वहां भी तू
yahaaN bHi tu vahaaN bHi tu
You are here, and You are also there!

یہ روشنی کیا روشنی

यह रौशनी क्या रौशनी
ye raushni kya raushni
This light, what a light it is!

Further Reading and References

  • On, you can read the Light Verse and its commentaries. [link]
  • On Bible Hub, you can read Genesis 1. [link]
  • Leaman, Oliver (editor). “Nur”. The Qur’an: An Encyclopedia. 2006. p. 467-468. This encyclopedia entry discusses the importance of the concept of light in Islam. [link]
  • Vitale, Christopher. “The Metaphysics of Refraction in Sufi Philosophy: Ibn Arabi, Suhrawardi, and Mulla Sadra Shirazi”. Networkologies. 17 May 2012. This blog post dives into the philosophical concept of light among Islamic mystics like Mulla Sadra. [link]
  • Lari, Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi. “An Exposition of the Verse of Light”. Hidden Truths In God’s Word – Some New Derivations From Qur’anic Concepts. 2009. This text dives into some of the deeper meanings of the Light Verse. [link]
  • Seta, Fenil. “20 Years of Meenaxi”. Bollywood Hungama. 2 April 2024. This article discusses some of the religious controversy that occurred in India when this song was released. [link]

Further Listening

  • Live version by A.R. Rahman’s students [link]
  • A capella cover by Arun Natarajan [link]

Further Listening

Shad, Hamza. “Noor-Un ‘Ala Noor: Light Upon Light”. The Khusrau Circle. 28 December 2024.